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Why use a headhunter?


Are you one of the many frustrated hiring managers whose company’s recruitment policies are based on bottom line costs instead of return on investment? This article explains why a headhunting methodology will prove more cost effective in the long run.

1. Higher quality candidates

You may be using job boards, agencies or LinkedIn, but none of these methods will bring you the highest quality candidates. The very top performers in the industry will not be actively looking for a new position. They are the other 75% of the workforce who are not visible through the recruitment methods you are using. These are the prospects who will have the right skill set, experience, cultural fit, and a track record of producing the very best results for their employer.

2. Access to a wider talent pool

Headhunters are not just professional recruiters – they are also experts in the field that they hire for. Specialist executive search firms will already have cultivated an extensive network for your specific market. This makes it easier to uncover more of the hidden talent pool and widen your reach.

3. Lower risk of a bad hire

Hiring the wrong employee can have a disastrous long term impact on your business. This is even more prominent when recruiting for a senior or revenue-generating position. An executive headhunter will find you the perfect fit according to your exact requirements.

4. Expert management of the recruitment process

Our professional training will enable us to successfully persuade those perfect candidates who weren’t planning on a career change, prevent candidates from opting out of the process, and handle the dreaded counter offer.

5. Faster time to hire.

Filling a vacancy can take a lot of time and effort. An industry-specialist headhunter will streamline the entire process and handle all the details. We use our network to leverage personal referrals and word-of-mouth at a much faster rate, so that you can get a fully qualified shortlist of excellent candidates in front of you sooner.

6. Greater profitability

Are you a small player in your industry or a giant market leader? Either way, using an industry specialist headhunting firm is extremely cost-effective. The upfront fee of a hire may seem high, but when weighed against the costs of marketing, screening and interviewing, not to mention the additional cost of turnover and repeating the recruitment process in the case of a bad hire, it is quite a saving. Headhunters can also inform you about hiring trends and negotiate employee compensation according to industry standards.

7. Advantage over your competitors

As you hire one of the best candidates in your sector, your competitor loses theirs! On the flip side, partnering with an industry-leading headhunter also means your staff will not be poached.

8. Strict confidentiality and data protection

When hiring for executive positions, confidentiality is of the utmost importance. Executive search firms know:
– How to keep a candidate’s involvement secret from their current company.
– How to keep a client’s vacancy hidden from their competitors.

9. A cast-iron guarantee to fill your vacancy

With an exclusive partnership, a headhunter will allocate all necessary resources to ensure that the position is successfully placed for.

10. happier staff, longer staff tenure and lower staff turnover

Passive candidates are 25% more likely to stay at a company long-term. They also have a proven track record of increasing productivity and company morale. These benefits result in improved company performance, and a higher return on investment for your recruitment.

At Diff Wheels, we provide first class executive search service with project and deadline commitment with very effective cost.

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Executive Search,General,Headhunt
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